certification@zenith-worldwide.com +91 9607006692 / 6823 / 6973 / 6945 / 4749
Zenith provides audit and certification services as per ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and ISO 13485 Medical Devices -Quality Management Systems to organizations manufacturing or trading Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices.
We have competent and adequate human resources in terms of Auditors and Technical Experts with the commitment to provide internationally recognised audit and certification services confirming to various standards and directives
Globally, the safety and quality of food are a matter of concern and priority for the public. ISO 22000, an internationally recognized food safety standard for years has been an integral part in ensuring this. In recent years, ISO 22000 has become the cornerstone of the FSSC 22000 system certification scheme which has now made FSSC 22000 certification a great reliable factor for the sectors of the food domain.
Zenith Quality Assessors Pvt. Ltd. provides professional services as Management System Audit & Certification activities, Product Certification activities, Training Activities.
Zenith Quality Assessors Pvt Ltd is always committed to continually maintain highest standard of business ethics and professional integrity in all its activities across the organization
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